Lightning Talks --------------- html5lib ~~~~~~~~ Now at version 1.0, supports python 3 scrapy ~~~~~~ - screen scraping library - built on twisted - parses badly formed html nicely for you - batteries included, good docs ... - makes web spiders dead easy to write Get kids to learn online ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - started by offering money - counterproductive - extrinsic vs intrinsic - try doing both? - 3 groups - control - reward every time - 10% less quantity, lower quality - random rewards, might help a bit django-fluent-pages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ deploy tools ~~~~~~~~~~~~ mana, git-deploy, capistrano invisible and intentional mgt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - care about people - push to be best they can - keep them excited - reward team work - be invisible - autonomy - give freedom and responsibility to share status and ... - experiment - find your team mini-lightning talks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ relationships - you are not with the perfect person - commit to the person and make it good - same goes for software evildmp/django-inspector - ./ follow_all_links -> report SPDY ~~~~ - django over spdy - put it in jython - use java container that already supports SPDY - much faster for many small items make site load faster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - connection pooling (db) - cache templates (django-crispy-forms uses lots of template fragments) - use template loaders - pjax - jquery-pjax and django-easy-pjax salt stack ~~~~~~~~~~ - minions - command line and files