Having your pony and committing it too -------------------------------------- * Jacob Burch Basically, getting commits accepted into core django 'Max Weber describes politics as "the slow boring of hard boards". Open Source is the same.' * passion and perspective * be on top of things and be patient * confident and humble First: * fork https://github.com/django/django/ * git clone * ./runtests.py --settings=test\_sqlite * Do not pass GO until tests run bug fix: * start with a test case - very important * test against regressions * not necessarily free from discussion major contributions (and tbh, minor additions) * search trac * search django-developers * become familiar with the code in the area you're changing proposing a change * be humble * expect it to take a while * respect the coding style * have tests Review * your ego is *not* on the line * humility - no really * you are not your code * patience * pro-active - send polite, friendly follow up messages often