Mock your database

  • your database is slow
  • why do I care - speed - faster unit tests

naive test - create objects, get stuff from query, 8 database queries

  • 5.2 seconds for 1000 tests on Postgres
  • 3.9 seconds for 1000 tests on sqlite

factoryboy doesn’t make like quicker (but does make code simpler)

factoryboy build() - create but not save - but m2m fields cause trouble - got to 4 queries

prefetch - factory build, give pk, build other, set _result_cache _prefeteched_objects_cache ... Down to 1 second, 0 database queries! but ugly code, and only works with all()

  • mock library - patch class, assign pk
  • 1.2 seconds, 0 database queries

Avoiding the database is faster - much bigger difference than between postgres and sqlite

A better way

Carl Meyer - “Mocking the database usually isn’t worth it” (from testing Django talk)

mock redis in python (using dict) -> partly due to nice api, queryset

  • not db at all
  • patch queryset to provide api, but not hit db
  • run your local tests fast, then use production db for CI
  • prototype! do not bet granny on it

Now we try the naive test again -> 0 database queries, 0.7 seconds


  • some things don’t go through queryset
  • auto patching
  • more filter lookups
  • extensibility


  • write code and tests naively
  • use test-db locally for fast testing cycle
  • deploy to CI and run same code against real DB

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