ansible -a 'uname -n' -o -u iweb -s 'b*web1'
puppet-style invoation
playbook example
- hosts: all
- name: disable auto reboots
dest: /etc/apt/...
state: present
regexp: ^Unattended...
Write own modules (in any language, python most common). Example given, looks pretty easy.
Can use jinja template in yaml
host: {{ }}
name: {{ item.user }}
password: {{ lookup('hash', item.user) }}
priv: {{ item.database }}.*:ALL
the hash lookup is custom - generate password from secret
Can run ansible through API if you want, but command line tool is easy. Can set up inventory, callbacks, choose which yaml file ... Could then do this in a web app (but want to run outside of the rendering thread - eg celery)
Very responsive community. iweb ran HEAD for a while - vagrant is useful for running code against to test. It was worth throwing away 3-year old puppet set up.
key management, user management ...