Mining Python Software

What do we know about software?

  • How to make it correct
  • How long it will take to write
  • expected bugs per kloc

Er ... yeah

Lots of studies done on students (as they’re available to academics) but not necessarily good for industry.

WARNING: this is a work in progress - interim numbers

Where to find info

Don’t write your own scripts to scrape github, google code etc. Use

  • ohloh - good API - github, google code, bitbucket ...
  • github archive
  • google bigquery interface

Code Clones

  • type 1: identical code, copy and pasted
  • type 2: identical code, names changed, layout, comments etc
  • type 3: as type 2, plus further modifications such as change in statement
  • type 4: completely different code, same semantics (no tools auto-detect this yet)

Tool: Clone Digger

Take 500 most forked python repos on github, clone them, run clone digger (and other tools) over all code and collate results.

Code clones - most python projects similar - very low - but some stand out. evervim and everpad have over 40,000 clones.

  • Normalised clone density - take into account size of project
  • length of code clones (lines of code cloned)

Aggregate Sentiment of Comments

Most pretty neutral - NewsBlur was amazingly happy

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