Class Based Views - untangling the mess --------------------------------------- history - lots of common patterns in view - generic views - template, single object, list of objects, forms ... - but generic views don't allow logic insertion, limited config options ... - so let's go class based (released in Django 1.3, talked about since 1.0) why bad reaction? - confusion over purpose - confusion over implementation choices - complexity necessary, but not obvious why - ravioli code - nicely packaged, but internals opaque, steep learning curve - bad docs Purpose - 2 distinct but connected bodies of work - class based views - class based analog of view - http verb based methods - get automatic code for free - OPTIONS, HEAD, HTTP 405 ... - class based generic views - built on top of class based views - analogs of the old generic views - address limits of functional approach - requires learning to know how and where to extend Implementation Choices - django wiki page on Class Based Views - lots of discussion archived here - what does class view mean? - (btw, admin is a class based view) - factory classmethod, returns function that invokes dispatch() - (could have done, could be either callable or class - but wanted to keep contract clear, as other things use that. trade off) Ravioli - goal: replace function-based generics with class-based generic - end point - series of mixins - basic update view has 9 classes! wtf - but then create view reuses almost all of that - another single class change creates a JSON response instead of a template response - allows for maximum reuse - very flexible - easy to add mixins - BUT you need to grok it - bad docs originally, but much better now, and need to decide about best practice Next - better docs - decide on standard way of eg login required - extend - experiment with API - django's admin? Have we solved the wrong problem? - multiple forms and formsets (see bug #18830 about FormCollection ) - conditional forms - continuous scrolling, not pagination - ajax support (eg in place editing) - pjax - multiple "actions" per page