Advanced PostgreSQL ------------------- database agnosticim is expensive enjoy your database custom types * many built in types * eg case insensitive text -> citext * attributes you want to add occasionally (sparse) -> hstore (dict-like) - do queries etc * json type - validated going in, more features coming in 9.3 * UUID - good for index if merging in data from other sources * ipv4 and ipv6 addresses - cidr comparisons * interval - store time intervals directly in db * define your own types! and then have custom indexes! * easy to integrate into Django - psycopg2, Field class, formfield and widget custom indexes * partial index - index subset of rows - eg most rows archived, only index active rows -> smaller faster index * multicolumn index * expression index - eg index on just year of date field custom SQL * -lso add python version check * bootstrap\ * custom use .sql inclusion mechanism -> requires each statement be on one line * use south custom constraints * foreign key constraints implemented in ORM * push constraints into DB where possible * blocks bad data ... * add constraints with south * exclusion constraints - eg non-intersecting time ranges and same room raw SQL * joining more than three tables -> use raw SQL * don't fall back into multiple query sets and iteration * django can still return model objects * full text search, geometric searches * complex joins that return a subset of lots of objects for view purposes * put SQL in the manager or the model * stored procedures (added by south)