Getting past Django ORM limits with Postgres -------------------------------------------- "postgres is the emacs of databases" * postgres has many many data types - but django does least common denominator across supported dbs * Indexes - lots of variety - ``CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY`` * array type - eg good for tags * ``pip install djorm-ext-pgarray djorm-ext-expressions`` * user ArrayField, SqlExpression extensions - dblink - link between db instances - citext - case insensitive - fuzzy string matching - hstore - key/value store within postgres - create as column - django_hstore support it - ``hstore.Manager()``, ``hstore.DictField()`` ... - json - pg 9.2 can use PLV8 - pg 9.3 more powerful - ... (many more) queueing - celery can kill database - pg has pub/sub queue - celery backend - trunk - uses pg queue stuff text search - pg has rich full text search - ``import djorm_pgfulltext`` - SearchManager, VectorField ... indexes - btree, generalised inverted index (GIN), generalised search tree (GIST), k nearest neighbours (KNN), space partitioned GIST (SP-GIST) ... !! - btree as default - GIN - multiple values in one column (array/hstore) - GIST - full text, shapes, GIS geospatial - shape types - geodjango read only - flip site into read only mode - do migrations! - django-db-tools - dbtools.middleware.ReadOnlyMiddleware, settings.READ_ONLY_MODE (or from environment variable ...) - null user session, disable database ... connections - psycopg2:connect - no persistent connections until 1.6 - can use pg bouncer - django-postgrespool, djorm-ext-pool, django-db-pool