Local Development with Docker ============================= stefan foulis docker-compose up - and we're running! What is docker? What are the benefits? --------------------------------------- - (sort of) like a VM (lxc) but much more efficient - great tools for building and sharing app envs - dev/prod parity - image is like a template - snapshot of VM - container - an instance of an image - running app - registry - store/share images Basic Docker Concerts --------------------- - docker push/pull - hub.docker.com has various images ready to go - redis, django, postgres - images would in layers - debian 8 - python 3.4 - django (python 3) - mysite v1 - docker file .. code-block:: none FROM django:python3-onbuild RUN apt-get ... RUN mkdir WORKDIR ... COPY localfs to docker Create docker-ised django project --------------------------------- .. code-block:: bash docker build -t mydjangoimage docker run ... django-admin.py startproject mysite . docker run ... python manage.py runserver django-compose -------------- - cmd line tool that runs yaml file describing stack yaml example .. code-block:: yaml web: build: . volumes: - .:/usr/src/app ports: links: # to other images below env: # set environment variables postgres: ... redis: ... - run commands in container - including bash - need to rebuild occasionally - new dependencies - pdb is hard - ``docker-compose run`` - then get an interactive console - or ``docker exec ... /bin/bash`` - then run ps ... nice urls with proxy -------------------- - docker - nginx proxy - reverse proxy for docker, nice magic for real URLs - ssh termination ... - much faster than vagrant - can mount directories from outside the container into the container, eg for postgres data store