===================== DjangoCon Europe 2015 ===================== * Location: Cardiff, Wales * URL: http://2015.djangocon.eu * Other people's notes: - http://reinout.vanrees.org/weblog/tags/djangocon.html - tweets of the event - http://eventifier.com/event/djangoeu/ * Videos of talks at http://www.youtube.com/user/DjangoConTV * Django for Social Good had a gathering, and started google group Next year will be in Budapest, Hungary - Baptiste involved in organisation Django Con Europe ================= Day 1 ----- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 keynote-day1 monolith injecting-django pushing-pony camel django-live social-sciences salt nose-pytest django-dev-security privilege-moral-duty lightning-day1 Day 2 ----- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 rabbit-hole pony-wings polyglot docker accessibility aggregation load-test octopus desktop lispisms forms-static real-time-apps true-beauty lightning-day2 Day 3 ----- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 net-terrors write-view randomised-testing ageing-code lookups-transforms user-testing project-templates cms restful-apis mixins knives conformity lightning-day3