Full Stack Octopus ================== Kat Stevens @katstevens Stack ----- - Django - content - planning - management - design/UX - sys admin and - ... Start ----- - legacy .NET site - didn't integrate well - free hand to choose - new to Django and Python, started with small prototype projects - Bordeaux En Primeur - shopping cart without e-commerce - re-use modules in main project - boss was happy Django and Python ----------------- - favourite part of the stack - all the Django goodness - open source - custom template tags - can lose track sometimes - love the Debug Toolbar - only have to merge code with self - can leave # hilarious comments - can use libraries and APIs - used Tumblr API so users can use Tumblr phone app - can get carried away and reinvent the wheel - don't even realise the wheel exists - no technical feedback - can ditch things if not working, no complex ticketing, can deploy small fixes quicker - testing suffers, but needed, # TODO: - get stuck sometimes - stackoverflow, not always answered Front End --------- - already knew fundamentals of web design - know core client base - only IE8+, but needs responsive design time sinks - photoshop "the full stack developer's nemesis" - wasted so much time rebooting getting photoshop to work - try to offload to company print designer Content ------- - import stock from legacy MS SQL server - UTF-8, latin-1 and simplified chinese - ODBC drivers ... (2 years ago) - data minefield - different ways of writing names of wine AND similar names are different - needed help with wine knowledge - customised Django Admin so others could use it - translations through i18n Managing and Admin ------------------ - analytics, enough money ... - T&C, bank, ad agencies, renew domain names Sys admin --------- - don't know much, "fills me with terror", would outsource if I could - security - no users - quick response eg heartbleed - but some problems are beyond me Etc --- - proofing cookbook - 6 month secondment to cover email marketing - HTML5 roulette wheel!!