How does Django start? ====================== - Marc Tamlyn - @mjtamlyn - - slides The old days ------------ (up to 1.6) * at some point a model is imported * metaclass: ModelBase.__new__() triggers django.db.models.loading.AppCache init * reverse relations now work * Most other bits of code inspect settings.INSTALLED_APPS directly **Problem is "at some point"** - sometimes deploys can fail unpredictably The long and winding road ------------------------- ``#3591`` bug - opened Feb 2007 (django 0.96 released March 2007) - "Add support for custom app label and verbose name" - Feb 2007 - design decision needed - Sept 2007 - assigned to Adrian Holovaty - Dec 2007 - accepted by Jacob - various attempted patches - PyCon 2008 - "The state of Django" - Adrian Holovaty - sprints - goals were similar - scope became about rewriting how django handles applications - class InstalledApps() - app_label is used in lots of places - which ones should change? - clear requirement for App.path - 2009 - basically nothing happened - Feb 2010 - revert to Design decision needed - Google SoC 2010 - "medium complexity" - multiple instances of apps, avoid names clashes, i18n of app names - Sept 2010 - "Fixed on a branch" - 2011 - ongoing work - unpopular details (Metaclasses for Apps, reloadable app cache) - 2012 - patch brought up to speed, conflicts, broken tests, effort died - 2013 - migrations needed an app cache - Dec 2013 - Aymeric takes a holiday - timezones, python 3, db txn, debug toolbar, 2 scoops review - **and** rethink the approach, minimal change Now --- - ``class Apps()`` - ``class AppConfig()`` - no required - customisable verbose name - reliable place for start up code (not just "at the bottom of") - customise label ... - merged! -> Django 1.7 What does it mean for you? -------------------------- - may break existing projects and libraries - hopefully it's because you did it wrong ... - now have much stricter startup sequence - django.setup() configures settings, imports all applications - trying to use the app registry before it's loaded will error "Apps not loaded" The following will break - modules level code which requires the apps to be loaded will break - eg ugettext() - use ugettext_lazy() - ugettext() requires apps to be loaded - code relying on import order of files may break - code relying on ``for app in INSTALLED_APPS`` Good stuff - i18n names in contrib apps - no need for admin.autodiscover() in urls (as we have a consistent place for start up) Use cases - registering signals in my project specific app - making my 3rd party app have an i18n name in admin - customise a 3rd party app .. code-block:: python from django import apps from django.db.models.signals import post_save class BlogApp(apps.AppConfig): name = 'blog' def ready(self): from .models import Post from .signals import flush_cache post_save.connect(flush_cache, sender=Post) # ... INSTALLED_APPS = ( # ... '', # ... ) 3rd party app with i18n verbose name .. code-block:: python from django import apps class PonyConfig(apps.AppConfig): name = 'ponies' verbose_name = _('mor ponies') # ... INSTALLED_APPS = ( # ... 'ponies.apps.PonyConfig', # ... ) customise a 3rd party app .. code-block:: python class MyPonyConfig(PonyConfig): def ready(self): # stuff INSTALLED_APPS = ( # ... 'myproject.apps.MyPonyConfig', # ... ) Note this makes it a little tricky to work out whether a model has been loaded. Future ------ - AppAdmin - more advanced API for custom appearance of apps in admin - App specific settings - set up time customise of models - add fields, change field lengths, add indexes