======================== Turtles all the way down ======================== * Simon Davy * @bloodearnest ... Background ========== Want to be able to: * traffic simulation with many turtles * games ... Inspired by last year's education track * STEM ambassador, hard to get kids engaged * core mechanic * computer science What I've done ============== * 50 turtles doing a random walk - too much CPU * https://github.com/AllTheWayDown/TurGLES - use GPU - can now do 1000 easily, can handle 50000 on a modern powerful laptop! * turtle.py - 1 file, 4100+ lines, no tests * https://github.com/AllTheWayDown/NinjaTurtle - reimplementation, not finished * still needed - collision detection, sensors, time sliced execution env, high level API for user * https://github.com/AllTheWayDown/turtlepower * asteroids in turtle language * don't want to have to teach classes for students Plans ===== * TurGLES - better ES2 renderer, drawing, borders, undo * NinjaTurtle - more tests, faster maths * TurtlePower - just getting started, build engine, APIs, work w both stdlib and Ninja/TurGLES * Usage: aim usable form early 2014, work w teachers for some example lesson plans, real world testing in local schools! * sprinting on Monday