========================== Web Special Interest Group ========================== Javascript ========== Testing JS - most using selenium, but someone suggested CasperJS Non-Django work =============== * cornice * celery * web.py * flask * turbogears * pyramid * workzeug for request and response objects, jinja for templating - custom code around that * security reviews tend to like frameworks Dealing with legacy code ======================== Strangler pattern - put proxy in front, replace bit by bit until nothing is left Martin Fowler on the topic http://martinfowler.com/bliki/StranglerApplication.html New CMS built on Django ======================= * will be open sourced soon * front end editing * save versions, save and publish, add notes * add blocks * redactor js wysiwyg editor - light and fast - http://imperavi.com/redactor/ - but not open source Django tables 2 and CSV ======================= - https://github.com/bradleyayers/django-tables2/pull/119 - Aptivate has been using it for a while, makes it easy to add CSV versions of tables