Build the Right Thing ===================== Paul Murston - have idea - build it - put it online, market it - wait for sales, users ... - give up (?) All guesswork based on assumptions Pain - invest time, money ideas - pour heart and passion in - then fail! Dream - happy users/customers, love it "Not worth it unless you have users/customers" Happy User Factory - find where they hang out - what they say, what they do, what they make, what they **use** - what job are they trying to do? what pain do they have? what gains do they hope for? Kill Pain or Accelerate Gain ---------------------------- Turn our users into badasses! problem hypothesis solution hypothesis - how does project make it better can I fake it before I build it? can I demonstrate the gain before building it? if I have to build it, what is the smallest thing I can do to get traction? Scenarios. Use cases. What is the central thing that delivers value rapidly prototype NOT about UX, scaling, security, pythonic cool IS about **being useful** Tech stack Product katas Practice many times Prune your stack - optimise for expressiveness and productivity Especially productivity - cookiecutters, scaffolding, "production capability" Don't do everything - deliver key value, then build out Get people whose problem you attempting to solve to have **skin in the game** eg classically money - but also reputation, time once they're committed, they'll be honest with you (before they'll just be nice) use available resources - mgt science "effectivity" - what resources, USP do you have 100% new market - almost bound to fail changing 20-40% - you have solid blocks to build on **steal ideas** - from other domains "A series of experiments are worth more than a good idea" "A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan next week" General Patton - there are always excuses for not going now Many decisions are reversible - make those quickly tempo is your killer feature (if you are small startup/one person) get deployed quickly **no excuses** start the conversation