Find More Bugs ============== David MacIver @drmaciver Your software has bugs ---------------------- NASA takes bugs very seriously - the cost of bugs is very high, so they invest a lot in testing Also medical software and avionics Most web stuff - bugs are embarrassing, but not critical Your users should not be your QA team ------------------------------------- Bug test cases - I did a thing, I expected this, this happened But most users don't know how to communicate bugs Or they use bugs to make money from you So what do you do? ------------------ Make it cheaper to find bugs Users as QA - there are many many users - testing is very parallelisable Computers are faster than people, so use them hypothesis ---------- inspired by QuickCheck (Haskell .. code:: python from hypothesis import given import hypothesis.strategies as st def mean(xs): return sum(xs) / len(xs) @given(st.lists(st.floats())) def test_mean(xs): mean(xs) This finds division by zero error and shows you the input that gives the error .. code:: python @given(st.lists(st.floats())) def test_mean(xs): m = mean(xs) if xs: assert m <= max(xs) and m >= min(xs) Can say the empty list is not valid .. code:: python @given(st.lists(st.floats()) min_size=1) Can say the list cannot contain ``nan`` or infinity .. code:: python assume(not any(math.isnan(n) or math.isinf(n) for n in xs)) More issues - slightly odd floating point edge case issues